Looking for a reliable and established locksmith in Kidlington or surrounding areas?
CPPM carry out locksmith services in the area for lock repairs and more. You can reach us 24/7 for emergency locksmith services and we adhere to strict industry standards for all our fittings.
Our locksmiths in Kidlington serve a wide range of clients who come from commercial, domestic and industrial industries. Kidlington is a large village located five miles north from Oxford.
With over 13,700 people in town, according to a Census conducted in 2011, there are many customers who we serve. In fact, Kidlington is one of the largest villages in England! More information can be found from the Parish Council, who aim to keep people informed about what is happening within the village.
Speak to Your Local Expert Today
Your Emergency Locksmith in Kidlington
Whether you require a new lock fitting for a door, window, garage or cabinet, we are a locksmith in Kidlington who can help! We take pride in providing our customers with the highest level of service and do not use any Sales-lead tactics to mislead you. Our primary focus is with you in mind and we want you to be totally satisfied with our locksmith services.
There are several ways to get in touch with us. You can call us on 01235 239 068 with any queries or for the more urgent needs, call our emergency locksmith services number on 07760 537147. Alternatively, you can email us with any queries and we will get back in touch as quickly as possible.
Contact CPPM locksmiths in Kidlington to find out more about how we can help you, any time of the day or night.